A Weavr Sense case study


AMD journey began with leading-edge semiconductor products. From those modest beginnings, AMD has grown into a global company setting the standard for modern computing through major technological achievements and many important industry firsts along the way. Today, AMD is the high performance and adaptive computing leader, powering the products and services that define the future of the data center, artificial intelligence, PCs, gaming, communications, and automotive.

Kimberly S.

/ Director, Planning & Strategy at AMD


Our solution

AMD's Global wing had an complex problem for Weavr to solve, as they wanted to track the performance of AMD Laptops/Desktops across multiple ecommerce platforms and OEM websites globally (in multiple languages). They also wanted to have an understanding of their product listings and generate a scoring mechanism for the same.
After breaking down AMD's problem into smaller blocks of requirements a solution using Weavr Sense was built.
Part 1: Tracking various metrics across 50+ websites
Part 2: Compliance scoring mechanism
Part 3: Understanding their Audience


As of today Weavr Sense tracks AMD’s performance across 50+ websites and has collected 4,50,000 reviews for AMD till date for over 4000 ASINs. Weavr offers the following features as a part of customized dashboard:
SOV and SOS blocks
SOV visualisations for AMD ASINs and AMD Brand on OEM and Retail websites. Brand SOV which include matching AMD Logo placements all over the page with respect to its competitor. Additionally, visualisations of SOS for AMD ASINs, which determines the total count of AMD Laptops/Desktop when compared to the entire ecommerce platform.
Specific Scoring Mechanism
Compliance measurement, which scores each AMD Laptop/Desktop product listing with regards to their internal complex rules about product nomenclature, processor description and logo placements. Post which Weavr Sense generates a score for each product, and each website. This helps them in tracking and improving their product listings periodically.
Multilingual Sentiment Mapping Tool
Sentiment/Keyword Analysis for product reviews across multiple websites, which are translated to English so that the teams understand key factors with respect to customer engagement and potential NPD
Customised Reporting
Generate and share a report for AMD's performance on the above mentioned 50+ websites, and track the best and worst rated products for the same.